813.556.T.REP (8737) info@tamparep.org

Summer Theatre Camp (Grades 3-5) 2017





 A Summer Camp for Youth 


Carmen Lusignan and Connie LaMarca-Frankel

This five-day half-day (9am to 12pm) camp for students grades 3-5 focus on

Developing the imagination and expressive abilities. Starting with written fairy tales and fables, students will use theatre games and improvisation exercises to create a fairy tale performance during an open class on Friday.


The summer camp will take place in TAR 130 on the TampaUSF campus:  3837 USF Holly Drive.

Class size is limited to 12 students, grades 3 – 5

Tuition: $200

For enrollment, a deposit of $50.00 is required to reserve a spot.

Full tuition is due by June 16th. (Enrollment date extended.)

Deposit: $50 per workshop [wp_cart_button name=”Deposit” price=”50″]

Summer Camp (Balance): $150 [wp_cart_button name=”Summer Camp (Balance)” price=”150″]

Registration Full Payment:  $200  [wp_cart_button name=”Early Bird Registration (Paid in full)” price=”200″]



To Register for Summer Camp:

Download the registration form here.

Email form to  cdfrankel@tamparep.org  or mail form to: 

37330 Hickory Hill Lane, Dade City, Fl  33525 


Teaching Staff:

Carmen Lusignan teaches visual and performing arts at St. Peter Claver Catholic School, where she also serves as the director of the Junior Thespian troupe.  She has degrees in elementary education and early childhood and is pursuing a third in educational studies at St. Petersburg College. An active member of the Tampa Repertory Theatre, Carmen has worked on I Do! I Do!, Heroes, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Imagining Madoff, and The Realistic Joneses. She is also the assistant stage manager for The Other Place, the final production of TampaRep’s sixth season.

Connie LaMarca-Frankel has an MFA in Directing from the University of Wisconsin with a specialization in Theatre for Children and Youth.  She has over thirty years of experience working with children both on stage and in the classroom.  In addition, Connie has worked for the Arts Council of Hillsborough as an artist in the schools and has directed and taught for Arts-in-Motion Pasco. She also worked with TampaRep’s weekly drama club at Center Academy in Land O’ Lakes.  Her most recent work was with Carmen Lusignan at St. Peter Clavier Catholic School’s Black History presentation, “Back to the Past.”  Furthermore, Connie is a founding member of the Tampa Repertory Theatre. She most recently directed Silent Sky.